三坐标测量机主机介绍Introduction of Basic Machine:
1. 机型名称Model Name:Daisy564三坐标测量机Daisy564 Coordinate Measuring Machine
2. 测量范围Measuring range:500×600×400mm
3. zui大承重Load capacity:500kg
4. 仪器尺寸Dimension:1050×1410×2220mm
主机特点Host Features:
1. DAISY系列测量机采用先进的有限元分析设计方法,使其具有机械结构刚性强、几何误差小,具有高精度、高性能和高稳定性的优点。
Adoption of advanced F.E.M. (finite element method) makes it have a strong rigidity, small geometry error, high precision, high performance and high stability.
2. 机械整体结构采用刚性结构好、质量轻的全封闭框架移动桥式结构。其结构简单、紧凑、承载能力大、运动性能好。
The mechanical overall structure adopts strong rigidity, light weight and close frame movable bridge structure, which is simple, compact and has strong loaded capacity and good moving performance.
3. 固定优质花岗岩测试台,使其具有承载能力强、装卸空间宽阔、便捷。
Granite fixed workable ensures strong heavy load, expanse and simplicity for assembly and unassembly.
4. Y向导轨采用燕尾式,定位精度高,稳定性能好。
Y axis guideway adopts dove tail type, which has high precision and good stability.
5. 三轴采用优质花岗岩,热膨胀系数小,三轴具有相同的温度特性,因而具有良好的温度稳定性、抗实效变形能力,刚性好、动态几何误差变形小。
Three axis’s adoption of quality granite guarantees small coefficient in thermal expansion and uniform temperature specialty so that it serves to excellent stability in temperature, good anti-transmogrification, strong rigidity and small geometrical error in motion.
6. 三轴均采用自洁式预载荷高精度空气轴承组成的静压气浮式导轨,轴承跨距大,抗角摆能力强,阻力小、无磨损、运动更平稳。
Three axis’s adoption of quiescent air pressure air-bearing guide way, comprised of air bearings which are self-cleaning, pre-loading and high precision, guarantees the large span of bearings, strong anti-sways, small resistance, no abrasion and stable motion.
7. 横梁采用精密斜梁设计技术(已获),重量轻、重心低、刚性强,动态误差小,确保了机器的稳定。
Crossbeam’s adoption of precise designing technology of inclined girder (patent) guarantees the machine’s lightweight, low center of gravity, strong rigidity and small error in motion so that the stability of the machine is strengthened.
8. 采用国外进口反射式金属带状光栅计量系统,与大多数工件具有相近的热膨胀系数,确保了良好的重复精度。
Adoption of world famous reflecting metal tape measuring scale system, which has a close thermal expansion coefficient with most work piece and assure a good repeatability.
9. 驱动系统采用的高性能直流伺服电机、齿形带传动装置,确保传动更快捷、更精准、运动性能更佳。
Drive system adopts world famous high performance DC servo drive system and dentiform tape gearing, which guarantee the drive’s fastness, precision and perfect movement.
10. Z轴采用气缸平衡装置,极大的提高了Z轴的定位精度及稳定性。
Z-axis adopts cylinder equilibrator system, which improves orientation precision and stability greatly for Z axis.
11. 控制系统采用欧洲坐标测量机数控系统,具有先进的上下位机式的双计算机系统,从而极大地提高系统的可靠性和抗干扰能力,降低了维护成本。
Control system adopts well-known exclusive Europe Internationally advanced up-down dual computers control system, which improves the system’s reliability and anti-jamming capacity greatly.
12. 软件采用具有独立知识产权的、功能强大的AC-DMIS测量软件包,其完善的测量功能和联机功能,为用户提供了*的测量解决方案。
Software adopts self-owned inlectual property and strong function AC-DMS software. With its perfect measuring and online function, it will meet customer’s challenging demand with a comprehensive measurement solution.
技术指标Technical Index:
1. 测头系统 Probe System(包含两个方案供选择):
方案一:RENISHAW MH20i手动双旋转可分度测头系统Manual double-rotary probe system
① 测头座分度机构Total angular movement:
绕 A轴Axis(水平轴):范围 0°~90°zui小步距15° 0° to 90° in 15° steps
绕B轴Axis(铅垂轴):范围±180°,zui小步距15° 0° to ±180° in 15° steps
空间位置Total number of positions:168个
② 测头部分Probe:TP20测力模块一个Include one TP20 force module
感应方向Sense direction:±X,±Y,+Z
方案二:RENISHAW PH10T自动双旋转分度测头座,具有防碰撞保护装置和M8测头接口
Automatic double-rotary probe system, With collision protection devices and interfaces M8 probe
① 测头座分度机构Total angular movement:
绕 A轴Axis(水平轴):范围 0°~105°zui小步距7.5°
0° to 105° in 7.5° steps
0° to ±180° in 7.5° steps
空间位置Total number of positions:720个
zui大输出扭矩Max. Output torque:0.45N•m
允许zui大加长杆长度The Max. length allowed extensions:300mm
② RENISHAW TP20触发测头,包含标准测力模块Include one TP20 force module:
感应方向Sense Direction:±X、±Y、+Z
测针接口Stylus Interface:M2
额定寿命Rated Life:>106 次Times
2. RENISHAW测针组Stylus Kit:
订货号 | 型号 | 材料 | 测球直径 | 长度 | 杆直径 | 有效长度 | 数量(根) |
A-5003-0033 | PS48R | 红宝石测球/碳化钨杆 | 1 | 20 | 0.8 | 12.5 | 1 |
A-5000-3603 | PS2R | 红宝石测球/不锈钢杆 | 2 | 20 | 1.4 | 14 | 1 |
A-5000-4160 | PS16R | 红宝石测球/不锈钢杆 | 3 | 20 | 1.5 | 17.5 | 1 |
A-5000-4161 | PS17R | 红宝石测球/不锈钢杆 | 4 | 20 | 1.5 | 20 | 1 |
A-5000-7807 | PS8R | 红宝石测球/不锈钢杆 | 2 | 10 | 1 | 6 | 4 |
A-5000-3604 | PS1R | 红宝石测球/不锈钢杆 | 3 | 10 | 1.5 | 7.5 | 1 |
订货号 | 型号 | 材料 | 直径 | 长度 | 数量(根) |
M-5000-7634 | SE7 | 不锈钢杆 | 3 | 5 | 1 |
M-5000-3647 | SE4 | 不锈钢杆 | 3 | 10 | 1 |
M-5000-3648 | SE5 | 不锈钢杆 | 3 | 20 | 1 |
M-5000-4162 | SE6 | 不锈钢杆 | 3 | 30 | 1 |
订货号 | 型号 | 材料 | 中心尺寸 | 有效长度 | 数量(个) |
A-5000-3627 | SC2 | 不锈钢杆 | 7 | 7.5 | 1 |
3. 校准器Datum Tool:
标准球Datum Ball Ø25及万向球座Kit T5:1套Set
4. 性能指标Performance Data:
长度计量系统Length Measuring System:英国RENISHAW反射式金属带状光栅尺Reflection metal-tape grating scale.
测量范围Measuring Range:X500mm×Y600mm×Z400mm
示值误差Measuring Erro:E≤(2.2+L/300)mm
探测误差Probing Error:R≤2.2?m
环境要求Environment Requirement:
1. 温度Temperature:20±2℃、1℃/h、1℃/m、2℃/24h
2. 湿度Humidity:40%~70%
3. 电源Power Supply:220V±10% 50HZ~60HZ
4. 气源Air Supply:≥0.55MPa
控制系统Control System:
1. 欧洲坐标测量机CNC控制系统。
Special CNC controller for CMM from European.
2. 采用先进的上、下位机式的双计算机控制系统。
Internationally advanced up-down dual computers control system.
3. 支持多种测头系统:触发测头、扫描测头、光学CCD测头、激光测量系统。
Support of multiple probe systems: touch-trigger probe, scanning probe, optical CCD probe, laser measuring system.
4. 内置控制技术软件,可实现四轴伺服驱动及运动状态优化调整。
Software of Built-in control technology to realize the servo drive for 4 axis and optimal regulation of motional status and adjustment of servo parameter to make automatic optimization.
5. 支持RENISHAW全系列测头连接系统PICS。
RENISHAW probe controller embedded to support the full series connected with PICS.
6. 内含智能扫描控制系统。可实现空间轮廓曲线、曲面自动扫描控制。
Inligent scanning control system embedded to achieve the automatic scanning control of spatial contour curve/surface.
7. 内部采用先进的连续运动轨迹插补算法,可进行测量轨迹的优化整合,自动生成合理的测量运动轨迹。
Adoption of advanced interpolation algorithms for continuous motion track to optimize the measuring track and automatically generate logical measuring motion track.
8. 采用多种控制模式,提供多种安全保障功能。
Multiple control modes to provide multiple safety functionality.
9. 具有故障自诊断纠错功能。
The functional self-diagnosis and self-correction for malfunction.
10. 具有内部温度监控系统。
Monitoring system of interior temperature.
11. 内部通讯采用多种接口标准,便于计算机联网升级。
Multiple interface standards for intercommunication to ease computer’s network and upgrade.
12. 配置专业化的三轴联动操纵杆及按键面板的操纵盒。
Specialized three-axis-linked joystick and the operation box with button panel.
13. 输入、输出、光隔离具有良好的电气可靠性、稳定性、安全性及*的抗电磁干扰能力,符合欧洲电气安全标准。
Favorable electrical reliability, stability, security and super powerful capability of anti-interference and against electromagnetism in conformity with European EC standard.
计算机系统Computer System:
1. DELL计算机Computer:
CPU:双核Dual Core 2.5G
操作系统Operating System:Windows XP +SP2
硬盘Hard Disc:320G
显卡驱动推荐使用以下版本The drive of Video card recommended:WINXP VERSION 30.82
图形库Graphic Base:OPENGL(操作系统提供Provided by Operating System)
显示器Display:19″液晶显示器LCD display
2. 打印机Printe:HP A4彩色喷墨Color inkjet
3. 气路连接件Pneumatic connecting parts:
SPCF-10-02+SBT-10-02管接头Cable connector:1套set
Ø10气管Air cable:1.5m
软件系统Software System:AC-DMIS EXT测量软件包Measuring Software package
AC-DMIS 是我公司开发的新一代通用三维测量软件包。以通过PTB认证的严谨算法为核心,以体现当今上专业三维建模、数字模拟及CAD/CAM软件开发,融合我公司的创新精神和在坐标测量领域的丰富经验,AC-DMIS 通过其简便易用的操作界面、丰富完善的功能、无限的可扩充性及ISO标准的公差评判为各界各种各样的几何量测量问题提供了有效、便捷、*的解决方案。几千家的客户群就是AC-DMIS强大测量功能软件成功的见证者。
AC-DMIS, the new powerful generation of universal 3D measurement software researched by Xi’an high-tech industrial metrology CO.,Ltd. Its core precise arithmetic is fully certified by PTB certification, the software’s researched platform is from the most advanced, professional 3D model making, digital simulation CAD/CAM software and combines XYCXIE innovation sprite and abundance experiences of CMM field, Friendly, simple and convenience user interface, perfect functions, unlimited extension ability and ISO tolerance evaluation standard offers fast, accuracy, effective, high-efficiency solution for all kinds metrology measurement requirements. Thousands of customer group are the best witness to demonstrate the success of comprehensive AC-DMIS.
AC-DMIS.EXT的功能Main feature:
1. 支持多种控制系统如,UCC、PANTEC、SB等。
Support for multi-controller systems, UCC, PANTEC, SB etc.
2. 支持多种测头,如:触发式、连续扫描式、影像式和线激光等,方便进行多种形式的测量。
Probe system, trigger mode, continuous scanning mode, image mode and laser scan, etc, to satisfy all measurement requirements.
3. 模块化的软件结构,具有无限的加挂各种软件(齿轮、叶片、凸轮、蜗轮蜗杆等)及进行二次开发的可能。
Modularized software structure with the capability to add special software (gear, vane, cam, warm/wheel etc.) and secondary development.
4. 具有简洁直观的操作界面及可追溯的清晰的操作流程记录。
With brief operation interface and traceability legible operation process track record.
5. 具有点、线、面、圆、圆柱、圆锥、椭圆、圆槽、方槽、圆环、球、曲线等多种基本几何元素的测量及评定。
Geometric measurement and evaluation: point, line, plane, circle, cylinder, cone, ellipse, round slot, rectangle, torus, sphere, curve and surface, etc.
6. 通过对元素的构造、转换、再现、投影、存储/调用及相关计算,可实现对已测元素进行后续操作,得到设备不同状态的转换结果、角度、距离等。
Element construction, transform, reappear, projection, store, recall and relation calculation to realize following operation of measured elements and obtain result, angle, distance, etc, under different machine status.
7. 强大的形位公差测量功能涵盖了所有的相关内容及评定方式,测量内容包括直线度、平面度、圆度、圆柱度、轮廓度、垂直度、平行度、倾斜度、同轴度、同心度、对称度、位置度、跳动误差测量、径向圆跳动、径向全跳动、端面圆跳动、端面全跳动;公差规则包括独立原则和相关原则等。
Powerful GD&T function includes all relative content and its evaluation items, Straightness, Flatness, Roundness, Cylinder form, profile form, perpendicularity, Parallelism, Angularity, Coaxiality, Concentricity, Symmetry, Position, Axial runout, Radial runout, Total axial runout, Total radial runout; tolerance regulation includes RFS, LMC,MMC, etc.
8. 不同工件坐标系的建立方式可满足各种工件的测量和评定,包括适合于箱体类零件的工件位置找正,适合于复杂曲面类的RPS找正,适合于模具检具类的三个中心点找正及曲面321找正等。
Multi-coordinates system alignment methods satisfy required measurement and evaluation for different parts, “part coord-sys” mode is used for shaped box part alignment; “RPS alignment” mode is mainly for complex surface part alignment, and “3 center point alignment” and “surface 321 alignment” modes are suitable for model part alignment.
9. 支持多语言的随意切换,公、英制的选择,极、直坐标系下测量的选择等。
Support for instant switch of multi-language, length unit(mm, inch); coordinate system (Cartesian or polar) etc.
10. 具备清晰的树形程序编辑器和方便快捷的字符式程序编辑器,通过智能化的自学习测量,即使不懂编程亦能应用自如。
Inlectual self-study program: with clear tree editor and convenient character editor, even new learner will feel like using with it.
11. 简捷直观的测量路径显示功能,以便判断运动轨迹是否安全合理,测量过程是否干涉。
Visible measuring path display: for safety and anti-collision prediction before starting measurement.
12. 可实现手动测量与参数化的特征测量之间的无缝切换。
Instant switch between manual measurement and CAD feature auto measurement.
13. 具有CAD三维模型(SAT、IGES、STEP)的导入与转换功能;可用鼠标直接在模型上拾取基本几何元素、曲线、曲面等元素,自动生成程序并完成特征测量。
3D CAD model (SAT、IGES、STEP) import and transform; use mouse to pick geometric element, curve, surface, etc. from model directly, and create measuring program and complete feature measurement automatically.
14. 基于三维模型的脱机编程、模拟测量和同步测量的实现,使编程更加直观。
Offline programming, simulation measurement and synchro measurement which based on 3D model, makes programming more intuitional (Ext,Std).
15. 具备多种输出格式,如:word、excel(Microsoft office或Open office)、bmp、pdf、iges、step、dat、文本文件。
Multi-output formats: word, excel (Microsoft office或Open office), bmp. Pdf, igs, step dat and text document.
16. 提供客户自定义样式的报告,方便客户对测量结果进行统一管理。
Support customized report format, satisfy customer special needs and convenient customer for result’s management.
服务条款Service terms:
1. 验收规范Installation and Acceptance:
Confirmation of Environmental Requirement: The installation will be carried out after Buy’s self-test approval and confirmation according to Technical Requirement for Installation Environment and Application.
2. 现场安装调试Installation and Adjustment at Customer’s Site:
System installation, including start-up, assembles and metrology test will be carried out by the service engineer of Xi’an high-tech Shanghai Xuanyichuangxi Industrial Equipment Co.,Ltd. All the packing boxes must be opened under XYCXIE’s supervision and approval of XYCXIE. Depending on the various needs, buyer needs to provide connections, internal transportation and unpacking tools for installation. The concerned environment and facilities for the CMM installation must conform to the requirement of the standard specifications before the installation.
3. 检验依据Inspection Criteria:
上海轩轶创析工业设备·吉祥坊·同用户共同负责测量机安装现场的zui终验收,zui终的验收将根据ISO 10360-2检定规程执行。设备验收合格后,由双方共同签署《zui终验收报告书》。
XYCXIE and the end-user are commonly responsible for the on-site installation. The ultimate acceptance and the metrology test will be performed according the regulation of ISO 10360-2 After the equipment acceptance, the both sides sign the "3D CMM Final Inspection Report".
4. 验收方法Acceptance Method:
在用户现场调试后的测量机验收方法,依据ISO 10360-2校准规范执行。
The acceptance method is based on the ISO10360 -2 to execute inspection and acceptance.
5. 检定项目Testing Items:
5.1. 外观及各部分的相互作用。Exterior appearance and the interaction between all the parts.
5.2. 计算机、打印机及软件功能。Function of Computer, printer and software.
5.3. 探测误差(R)。Probing error (R).
5.4. 示值误差(E)。Error of indication (E).
6. 检定方法:检定前测量机应通电24小时以上。
Testing Method: The machine should be on power more than 24 hours before test.
6.1. 目测和操作试验检定外观及各部分的相互作用。
Visual observation and operation experiment are applied to test exterior appearance and the mutual interaction between all the parts.
6.2. 用相应的诊断程序检定计算机、打印机及软件功能。
Corresponding diagnostic testing procedures are applied to test the functions of computer, printer and software.
6.3. 探测误差(R)的检测。Test of Probing error (R).
On the datum ball of 25mm diameter, probe head system randomly picks up 25 points in the direction of arbitrary location with the length of 20mm stylus. Each picked point on the hemisphere tries to spread evenly. The minimal quadrate center is calculated by all 25 measured values, meanwhile to calculate radial distance of points in which the largest radial distance subtracting the minimum radial distances equals probing error. The result should meet the given P value.
7. 长度测量的示值误差(E)的检测。Error of indication for length measurements (E) test.
7.1. 在坐标测量机的工作空间七个方位,每个方位测5个尺寸的量块,每个尺寸的量块测量三次。即35组测量长度总测量次数为105次。计算105个长度测量的误差值△L(换算成?m),如果无一个超出规定的E值,则坐标测量机长度测量的示值误差(E)的检测被通过。
Seven positions are freely selected in the working space of coordinate measuring machine. Five measurers with different size are measured in each position and each measurer is measured three times. The total measuring times is 105 times in 35 groups of measuring length.105 error values △L are calculated (converted into um), if no one goes beyond the limit of the E, this test of E is passed.
7.2. 35组测量长度中,允许zui多有5组,其三次重复测量中有一次超出规定的E值,对每个超差的测量长度,应在相应的方位在测10次,如10次重复得到的所有长度测量的误差值△L在E值内,则示值误差(E)的检测被通过。
Within 35 Groups of measuring length, allowed a maximum of five groups in which one time going beyond the E in the three repeated measurements. For each measuring length that goes beyond the limit of E, the corresponding position should be measured 10 times. If all the length measurements error of the △L, gained by 10-time repeated measurement, are within E value, the value of their error (E) test are passed.
8. 验收交接Acceptance and handover:
8.1. 以检定纪录、装箱单和合同为准,双方交接、验收。
Both sides follow the procedures of handover and acceptance based on Test report, packing list and contract.
8.2. 验收合格,双方代表在验收报告上签字。若有异议,协商解决。遗留问题可签署备忘录,以便服务、解决。
If acceptance is in conformity with the requirement, the representatives of the both sides sign in the test report. If objection, both sides should resort to negotiation for bilateral agreement. Remain problems may be recorded in the memorandum for further service and settlement.
9. 技术培训Technical training:
9.1. 培训内容与约定Training Contents and Stipulation:
The course is designed to train operators based on the system application and on fundamentals of Coordinate Metrology. Persons attending this class are expected to have some familiarity with metrology knowledge, PC application skill and primary English knowledge.
时间Duration:5个工作日Working days
地点Place:上海轩轶创析工业设备·吉祥坊·技术培训中心或用户处At the XYCXIE technical training center
9.2. 培训认证Training Certificate:
For Attendees who passes the examination hold by XYCXIE training center and Leader team for certificate, they will obtain the “Certificate of CMM Operation and Application
10. 保修维护Warranty for Maintenance:
10.1. 质保期:从安装验收合格之日起12个月,但不超过发货之日起15个月。在此期限内因我方原因造成的机器故障,负责免费维修。
Warranty Period: Within 12 months from the date of assemble and acceptance, but not exceeding 15 months from the date of shipment. During this period machine failure caused by our side is maintained with free of charge.
10.2. 质保期外:我公司采取定期回访与随时咨询相结合的售后服务制度,力求及时发现并解决用户使用中存在的困难和问题,为用户提供技术咨询。
Extra Warranty Period: we will take ephone and regular visit to users with a combinative after-sale advisory service.
10.2.1. 我公司负责为用户免费提供计量测试技术咨询服务。
Our company is responsible for the technical advisory services of metrology from user with free of charge.
10.2.2. 我公司以成本价终身为用户提供设备保修服务。
We provide life warranty services of machine for users with cost price.
10.2.3. 我公司备有备品备件库,终身负责为用户以成本价提供备品备件服务。
Our company has spare parts which can be provided for the user with our cost price.
10.2.4. 我公司负责以优惠价终身为用户提供技术升级、改造等售后增值服务。
We provide users with after-sales value-added technical service, such as technical upgrades, retrofit, etc. by preferential price for life.
10.2.5. 用户所在地区如有我公司地区办事处,其售后技术服务事宜由公司地区办事处全面负责。
If our company’s regional office is in the User’s location, our overall after-sale technical service is borne by the regional office.
11. 承诺Commitments(服务专线Service Line:):
11.1. 质量承诺For Product quality:如设备发生机器故障确认为质量问题导致,我公司承诺免费维修维护。
XYCXIE will provide free maintenance service for machine if it is broken down due to the quality problem.
11.2. 服务承诺For Service Quality:如我公司接到用户设备故障请求,在8小时内予以响应,如有必要在24小时内派技术人员赴现场解决问题。
If we get ephone request services about equipment failure from users, we will response to the request in 8 hours, if necessary we will send technical engineer to the customer’s site to solve problems within 24 hours.
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